It's time to announce new issue of Twee Grrrls Club and flea market on sunday.
you can get the zine the fastest at this market!
Issue 5 special feature is "Eat". We Twee Grrrls Club and many good indie bands are talking about their favorite foods and cover art which has food.
you can see what bands and artist in the zine & flee market details below↓↓↓↓
Twee Grrrls Clubの第5号特集は"Eat"!!Twee Grrrlsは勿論沢山のアーティストが
Aias / Catwalk / Depreciation Guild / Eternal Summers / Girls Name / Wet Dog / Very Truly Yours / Yellow Fever /
Milk / Trash Kit / My Teenage Stride / Sweater Girls / Scared To Dance / Procedure Club / Suffer Blood /
Young Friends / La La Vasquez / She Talks Silence / Hong Kong In The 60's
Special Interview with
Sunday Bake Shop (Tokyo)
Feit a bon bon (Osaka)
Nagisyokudo (Tokyo)
Baby Cakes (NYC)
RJL Design (UK)
Francesca Lia Block (USA)
*Sarah Documentary Interview&Drawing poster
*Natalia Lafourcade ポストカード
*Twee Grrr;s Chopsticks!