>>>>English text
I was posting on Drop Snap blog these days,
so if you are interested in reading my column, please read here.
Of course I'd love to keep posting this Twee Grrrls Club blog in same time.
You can see in Moe's post, I released V&C 1st Anniversary original tote bag
(with Riko's illustration badge!)
Also V&C label released Sea Lions / The New House split cassette tape.
You can buy these fine record shop
Violet And Claire
Fastcut Records
Fileunder Records
Flake Records
Jetset Records
...more come soon!
if you don't have cassette decks, you can download MP3 (URL code in it!)
Add more it's very happy news to tell that I will release new mixtape from Moe's label
here is sleeve image (on top!) and track list!
you can buy the cassette directly from me in NYC
(Japanese release is in June!)
A side
WS.Burroughts "Twilight\'s last gleaming"
Paul Haig "The Song Is You"
The Monochrome Set "Wallflower"
The Lodger "A Year Since Last Summer"
The Pooh Sticks "Time To Time"
The German Measles "I don't like your friends"
Colortapes "Cold Anger"
14 Iced Bear "Insidee"
Male Bonding "Carrying"
The Wake "On Our Honeymoon"
Jeremy Jay "Splash"
John Cunningham Something You'll Never Know"
Klaxon 5 "The Blunder"
Make-up "U R My Intended"
French Kissing "Oh Suzanne"
The Incredible Blonds "Where Do I Stand"
One Happy Island "Temporary Tatto"
B side
The Aislers Set "The Red Door"
The Parallelograms "Papageno"
The School "I Want You Back"
Dolly Mixture "How Come You're Such A Hit With The Boys, Jane?"
Even As We Speak "Getting Faster"
Brilliant Colors "Kissing's easy"
Catwalk "Shivers And Sighs"
The Pastels "Empty House"
The Bright Idea "Please Say Yes"
The King Of Luxembourg "Lee Remick"
Patience Please "I\'ve been Rome"
Up And Running "Johnny And Marie"
Fitness Forever "Diego Mon Amour"
Glo-worm "Beyond The Sea"
>>>>Japanese text
最近はずっとDrop Snapのblogを更新していたので
勿論、Twee Grrrls Clubのblogも平行してup出来ればと思ってます。
そして、V&Cの第二弾リリースとしてSea LionsとThe New Houseの
Violet And Claire
Fastcut Records
Fileunder Records
Flake Records
Jetset Recordsなどなどです。
mix tapeの最新盤を出させていただく事が決定しました!
リリースがとても楽しみです。御察しの通りpost punk、anorak率が非常に高い。
でもそんな中にThe Schoolの"I want You Back"のジェントルな感じが